Connect with a Team of Up to Five Undergraduate Students
Projects Start Early September, Early January, and Mid-April
Past Project Examples
Competitive Analysis
Market and Competitive Analysis
Identified legitimate agricultural fertilizer chemical companies with 1-20 locations. Compiled a portfolio of peer-reviewed journals on soil microbiology. Generated a list of Ag Pest Control Advisors in California. Compiled a list of relevant Associations/Commissions for various crops.
New Products Launch Strategy
Strategic Planning
Compiled a comprehensive list of relevant educational institutions. Designed and administered a survey to contacts to aid in the development of a strategic plan for the new product launch within the education technology industry.
Marketing Strategy
Contacted cosmetology schools prioritized by their location according to client accessibility, to schedule marketing appearances by the client. Aided in logo and website design.
Marketing Strategy/Supply Chain
Determined best practices for serving customers with a quick service restaurant (QSR) approach at an ethnic food restaurant. Identified areas in the West Coast most desirable for establishing that kind of restaurant. Created and distributed surveys to different potential markets of ethnic food QSR over social media to understand consumer interest.
SEO and Social Media Marketing Optimization
The client had multiple companies working on its social media platforms and SEO optimization. The team compared the companies to identify redundancy. They also researched other resources that could be used to increase the client’s presence on the web.
Market Analysis
Market Research/Real Estate Development
The team researched a specific trailer park for sale as a prospective investment. The team researched the trailer park market to understand maintenance costs, difficulties, and general demand for mobile homes in various counties in Idaho.
Best Practices Study
Best Practices Study and Community Assessment
Researched the best practices for assessing health in a community. Identified US national standards for community and child health. Created and administered a survey to assess health in terms of mental health, exercise, nutrition, and food security in K-12th graders in the county where the municipality is located.