• Get a Project Done in 13 Weeks for Only $500

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    Students working at a table with Computers and papers scattered everywhere.

Connect with a Team of Up to Five Undergraduate Students

Projects Start Early September, Early January, and Mid-April

Past Project Examples

Competitive Analysis

Market and Competitive Analysis

Identified legitimate agricultural fertilizer chemical companies with 1-20 locations. Compiled a portfolio of peer-reviewed journals on soil microbiology. Generated a list of Ag Pest Control Advisors in California. Compiled a list of relevant Associations/Commissions for various crops.

New Products Launch Strategy

Strategic Planning

Compiled a comprehensive list of relevant educational institutions. Designed and administered a survey to contacts to aid in the development of a strategic plan for the new product launch within the education technology industry.


Marketing Strategy

Contacted cosmetology schools prioritized by their location according to client accessibility, to schedule marketing appearances by the client. Aided in logo and website design.

Marketing Strategy/Supply Chain

Determined best practices for serving customers with a quick service restaurant (QSR) approach at an ethnic food restaurant. Identified areas in the West Coast most desirable for establishing that kind of restaurant. Created and distributed surveys to different potential markets of ethnic food QSR over social media to understand consumer interest.

SEO and Social Media Marketing Optimization

The client had multiple companies working on its social media platforms and SEO optimization. The team compared the companies to identify redundancy. They also researched other resources that could be used to increase the client’s presence on the web.

Market Analysis

Market Research/Real Estate Development

The team researched a specific trailer park for sale as a prospective investment. The team researched the trailer park market to understand maintenance costs, difficulties, and general demand for mobile homes in various counties in Idaho.

Best Practices Study

Best Practices Study and Community Assessment

Researched the best practices for assessing health in a community. Identified US national standards for community and child health. Created and administered a survey to assess health in terms of mental health, exercise, nutrition, and food security in K-12th graders in the county where the municipality is located.

Ready to set up your project? You will need to have a scope of work and an idea of the types of students you would like to have work on your project.

Not exactly sure if your project would work? Or maybe, you have some general questions. Reach out today with no commitment!

ALPS | Basic

Applied Learning Projects (ALPS) | Basic provides you with an opportunity to get things done by tapping emerging talent for a limited timeframe project. Up to five students each work about 8 hours per week on your project. Teams are provided with some training and an experienced student mentor who orients the team and provides support. As a client, you drive the project forward by leading your team of students to work on your custom scope of work.


Take Care of Work that needs to be done

ALPS | Basic projects are open to fit your custom needs. Each proposed project is reviewed by our staff to assure the workload aligns with the allotted time while allowing flexibility.

Meet New Potential Talent to hire

By working on a project for 13 week with students, you are able to see their soft and hard skills up close and personal. Student team members will be looking for future internship and full-time opportunities.

Mentor the next wave of emerging professionals

Help move young professionals forward by sharing your insights to help them improve their ability to apply what they have learned in their university studies through your project work.

ALPS | Basic Projects start at $500

In addition to the project fee, clients are expected to lead their teams through the 13-week project. Clients may select to have students work in an area that is outside of their expertise. However, results will vary as the students may or may not fully understand the work to be done. Successful projects tend to have clients that work with their teams for 4 to 6 hours a week along with focusing on a project scope that they understand well, but do not have the time to complete themselves.

Ready to set up your project? You will need to have a scope of work and an idea of the types of students you would like to have work on your project.

How Does it Work?

  • First Step

    Clients develop a scope of work and student team composition by major. This project profile is submitted through an online form here.

  • Second Step

    Project profiles are made available to hundreds of students at Brigham Young University – Idaho.

  • Third Step

    Interested students* apply to participate in projects that catch their attention, major, and skill set. ALPS | Basic is open enrollment and available to any student at the University.

  • Fourth Step

    Projects with sufficient student applicants are staffed with eager students. Projects start early September, early January, and mid-April and run for 13 weeks.

* Due to the student selection process, posted projects may not be completed in a given semester. Projects without sufficient interest will receive a complimentary review by RBDC staff to provide recommendations for improved appeal to students.

Get started today by submitting a project that fits your custom needs and request the various types of students that your project needs.

Not sure?

Submit a project idea to explore possibilities. No committment!