Posts for the Business Division

Project Management: Utilize Free Resources, Drop Expensive Software

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Why the RBDC stopped paying for project management software

The Research and Business Development Center (RBDC) stopped paying for project management software because it was clunky and did not integrate well with other applications, but most importantly, it was not intuitive for our workforce. As a result, our primary workforce of short-term, millennial interns, did not use the software, despite the many hours we spent training them on it. Instead, they used what they were used to- primarily Google Suite. We realized we were spending money on something that no one wanted to use.

How the RBDC utilizes free options for effective project management

Google Drive

Instead of fighting against what our interns wanted to use, we decided to utilize it for ourselves- we embraced Google. The RBDC created individual project folders within Google Drive for each consulting project, adding the intern team, project manager, and business director to those folders. Teams organize, tweak and adjust folders according to their needs. The RBDC also uses Google Drive to organize and share training materials and other resources. An example is illustrated in the photo below. Because of the interns’ familiarity with and the intuitiveness of Google, the drive requires very little training.

There are some limits to using Google Drive though, like storage space and permission settings.

Google Applications

Our interns rely heavily on the collaborative abilities of Google Applications as they write reports and organize presentations. Google Applications are more intuitive than Microsoft One Drive, however, Microsoft Office offers many tools our interns need that Google Docs or Sheets do not. Additionally, Google Slides do not transfer well to PowerPoint.

Google Calendar

We utilize Google Calendar to schedule all internship, project management, and client meetings. This allows everyone in the program to stay on the same page and prevents double booking or other such issues. We find that it requires a medium amount of training to get our interns using Google Calendar correctly; there is, however, a lot of free training available online.


Slack is not necessarily familiar to our workforce, but it is extremely intuitive. We find it takes minimal training to onboard our interns to Slack and there is a plethora of free training accessible online. Slack integrates well with Google and other applications. It provides one space for all program communication to occur and is indispensable to our organization.

Slack is one of our strongest project management tools. It enables us to see all the conversation taking place between a team. That oversight allows a project manager to interject with suggestions or corrections saving everyone time. Project managers can also quickly review documents, answer questions, and solve problems.

Startup Academy Graduate: Taking on Domestic Violence

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Taking on Domestic Violence Team

Who is Taking on Domestic Violence?
Taking on Domestic Violence
 recently completed the Research and Business Development Center’s (RBDC) 13-week Startup Academy program. Taking on Domestic Violence, which placed third at the Rexburg Business Competition, is a non-profit with the goal to stop domestic violence before it starts. Their message targets youth, teaching them indicators of unhealthy behaviors in relationships that can develop into actual violence if left unchecked. 


How did Taking on Domestic Violence get Involved with the RBDC?

Taking on Domestic Violence began as a class project for a design thinking course at Brigham Young University-Idaho. Mitchell Taylor, the founder, explained that the more the group learned about domestic violence, the more passionate they became to stop it. That’s why after the design thinking class ended, Taylor and some others from the group decided to turn their project into something real. That’s how Taking on Domestic Violence became involved in the RBDC’s Startup Academy. They came to the RBDC with their first donation and idea for a non-profit that could stop domestic violence before it ever happened. The RBDC’s Startup Acadamy is designed to help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into real, successful business by providing resources, mentorship, and training.

Taking on Domestic Violence’s Time with Startup Academy

Using resources and connections made through Startup Academy, the young business was able to file for incorporation and 501(c)(3) status. The RBDC pushed the team to create a comprehensive business plan and narrow in on their target market, which they did.

During the 13 weeks, Taking on Domestic Violence developed a logo and website, created and sold merchandise, conducted secondary research and consulted experts to develop curriculum to present to youth.  Among many other things, they also piloted their curriculum presentation and lined up their first school presentation for Fall 2017. Taking on Domestic Violence described their time at Startup Academy to be invaluable to them.

The Taking on Domestic Violence team thoroughly impressed the RBDC with their dedication, hard work, and passion for their cause. The RBDC wishes them the best as they move on from its program!

When our Logo was an Acorn

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Flashback to fall 2006, where what would become the Research and Business Development Center (RBDC) was the Eastern Idaho Entrepreneurial Center (EIEC), which would later be coined the E  Center. We had 7 interns, no previous projects, and a mission to improve the economy in Eastern Idaho.

Our logo also had an acorn then that symbolized our large aspirations. One day this little acorn that would become a giant oak tree, just like our small center would grow.

three logos

Original E Center logo  (2006)                                   E Center logo  (2010)                                     RBDC logo (2015)


Flash forward almost ten years and numerous changes have occurred. Names have changed, programs have been added and expertise have been expanded. As of today the RBDC has completed over 700 projects for 300+ clients with the help of over 500 interns. These research and business development projects have help owners grow their ideas into sustainable profitable businesses, such as Gorgeous Garage and Kate’s Real Food.

Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 11.15.55 AM

Learn more about Gorgeous Garage here.


Check out Kate's here

Check out Kate’s here


In November we hosted the Entrepreneurs’ Platform, a tri-annual event that provides a setting for promising entrepreneurs, business owners, and mentors a setting to make connections and link to needed resources.

Every time I help with this event I can’t help but think about our little center almost 10 years ago and the many changes that we have went through. This leads me to look forward to the adventure that lies ahead for our promising entrepreneurs.

The Entrepreneurs’ Platform was held November 17th 2015 at the Eastern Idaho Technical College. To learn more about the Platform and future events contact us at