Introducing Our Newest Program: Entrepreneurial Support Center

Man and woman writing on white board

We are excited to announce our newest program: the Entrepreneurial Support Center! This program pairs Brigham Young University – Idaho (BYU-Idaho) students with graduates of the Start and Grow My Business (SGMB) class to provide advising on various topics designed to improve their startup business.

This program had a successful pilot during Winter Semester 2019 and is now on its way to becoming a full blown program within the Research and Business Development Center (RBDC). BYU-Idaho students from various majors, including Management, Economics, Finance and Marketing, work in teams of two to three and contribute a total of 80-100 work hours per client over the course of one to two weeks. They advise on business plan assessment and development, understanding your financial statements, competitive analysis, social media and marketing, cash management, and pricing strategy. SGMB clients pick one or two of those topics to focus on during their time with the team. This is a great way to help startup businesses grow in the area, and provide further work experience for students looking to better understand and apply the business principles they learn.

This program is currently limited to SGMB graduates, though there is a possibility to expand it to any small business owner in the future. If you’re a SGMB graduate and want to learn more, visit (this link is case sensitive).

Students who are interested in working as an adviser on these projects should contact the RBDC at for more information.

Along with the ESC program, we are piloting a Brown Bag Forums program each month. These forums are an hour and a half long presentations from local organizations and individuals who are experts in their field. Desserts and drinks are provided, but you’ll need to bring your own lunch. Not only is it a great place to learn, but an excellent opportunity to network and learn about local resources for small businesses. Stay tune to our Facebook page, Research and Business Development Center, for forum details.